
The Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle (BAIP) offers a range of services directly to students, from 1st year to PhD However, as we are convinced that your involvement and support play a key role, the BAIP has decided to make various services available to you to maximize the impact of our actions and help students make a successful transition to the professional world.  

  • An annual Forum Emploi Université (FEU ) (October) enables you to discover potential employers linked to your disciplines, understand the needs of the job market, forge new partnerships and pass on the benefits to your students.
  • An online tool, the Employment Resources Guide, to help you understand changes in the job market, sector by sector, and thus provide your students with the best possible support in exploring and implementing their career plans.
  • A professional ResUM platform, to manage your partners' internship and job offers, target them as closely as possible to the promotions concerned, distribute targeted information and organize your own events (e.g. internal forum).