Consult the SCUIO-IP practical information sheets on ResUM

A range of 15 comprehensive, synthetic fact sheets, with methodological advice on finding a job and helping you to continue your studies.

Help you master the right practices, the right posture and the keys to effective integration into the job market!

Montpellier University students looking for an internship, a work-study contract, a student job or a first job, and/or candidates for further study!

Employment / internship:
- CV, cover letter, interview
- Alternance : spécificités et démarches
- Recruitment interview

Tools to help you find a job:
- Identify your skills
- Organize your search
- Create and maintain your LinkedIn profile
- Entrepreneurship

Further studies:
- CV, covering letter, interview to apply for a Master's degree
- Parcoursup motivated project
- Advice on writing a motivated project on Parcoursup

Specific target audience:
- Students with disabilities

Applying in English:
- CV and cover letter in English

Available in the collaborative space "SCUIO-IP practical information sheets".